IP PBX+ VoIP Gateway Office Building Typical Solution |
Currently in many building, there are companies or branches that leased room or floor as their office. It requires for differentiate service and voice quantity. If adopt for deploy leased line, the cost of installation, maintain and management would be high and inconvenience. Thus, Guangdong Global Telecommunication Technology Co., Ltd. has offered a solution which base on IP PBX(GT-IPX-5200C) soft switch and IAD(VoIP Gateway) to provide voice, facsimile and data multi access for office scenario. The solution can match to differentiate requirement of each enterprise and offer one stop management for all services. It can also achieve in same services of IP PBX by without deploy IP PBX in each small and medium office.
Diagram And Topology

Feature of solution
The solution can match for basic communication service of each enterprise in one office building. It can provide the functions such as internal call, call forwarding, software attendant desk, enterprise switchboard, Extension authority and so on. The integration of service and data can reduce the cost of equipment which invested by enterprise. The internal number in enterprise can call for free fare and all allocated by IP PBX. The users in office building can also extend for following add value service.
A). Call center
B). Call conference system
C). Communication Assistant (Internal IM)
D). Recording and listener function
E). Support powerful scheduling function
F). Billing system