1 to 16 Ports SNMP/Telnet/Web Management E1 Interface Converte10K SIP Soft Switch GT-SS3500
10G OEO wavelength converter and signal repeater GT-OEO Seriesn GT-OEO series products are high-performance 10G optical signals Repeaters, realize the optical signal equilibrium amplification, clock extraction and plastic regeneration, extended optical signal transmission distance greatly. n Using Optical - Electrical - Optical wavelength conversion and WDM (DWDM/CWDM) technology, cooperate WDM device can achieve optical signals transmit in a single fiber by single or multiple way over a long distance. n Connection between fiber to fiber 10Gbps Ethernet equipment function as fiber mode converter ,or as fiber repeater for long distance transmission. n Media converter for network backbone(SAN, LAN, MAN). n Can be applied in Telecommunication room, R&D laboratory, Data center, and etc. n 1310nm /1550nm/CWDM/DWDM Optical Wavelength Conversion. n Support 2U Rack (16 channel) and independent use n Support network management n Support a WEB form and simple network management protocol SNMP mode. A WEB management can let user to allows monitor and manage the card status easily; Support SNMP unified network management platform n support ITUT prescribed DWDM/CWDM wavelength n transmission rate:9.95 Gb/s - 11.35 Gb/s n Transparent Transport for data, less delay n SFP module (Diagnostic Monitoring with), can detect light power change n support Loopback test function n support hot plugging n state indicator light is complete n Easy installation n 3R function (balanced amplification, Timing Clock Obtaining , Shapping and regeneration), good dispersion management function, data transmission rippon at low. SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192,10G fiber channel,10G Ethernet, 10G CWDM/DWDM
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